Our Motivation

We've spent years working across corporates, academia and startups in Telco, Media, Finance, Security, Analytics, Cloud and Operations. During this time it became apparent to us that it was unfortunately quite common for people, teams and even entire organizations to become stuck pursuing projects based on flawed or outdated assumptions. They were locked-in due to an inability to overcome the four challenges shown right.

Technology, Globalisation and now the CoVid19 pandemic have exposed the fragility of many businesses and how ossified their operating models are. Sudden changes to supply interruptions and customer demand changes have highlighted the importance of maintaining constant awareness of what's changing and an ability to understand then take advantage of it. What worked before now likely doesn't, change is not optional it's now mandatory.

Inadequate / Static Data

Timely access to relevant accurate data both from source within and from outside is essential for building a foundation from which insights can be gleaned.

Slow Information Flows

Insights need to flow freely so they can be challenged, tracked and validated for alignment to happen and action to place. Burying insights is a recipe for employee frustration and organizational stagnation

Lack of Insight

Insights are won from connections extracted from an ever increasing deluge of data. Without insight competitors overtake and unseen risks cripple.

Strategy separate from Execution

Strategy never survives first contact with the customer or the market. Strategy developed in isolation from delivery is rarely executed without incident.

Rebuilding the economy as the world slowly comes to terms with implications that stem from living in a post CoVid19 landscape will be a multi-year challenge. That's why we want to help people and the organizations work to invest their time wisely into pursuits that have the best chance of success. Fundamentally that means helping people make better informed decisions sooner so they can act faster with less risk.

There are no more free lunches. There is no more fat in the system. Everything counts.

To win now people have to work smarter, we're here to help make that happen as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Some of our Customer Stories.

How we can help you.

Mid-Tier Cloud Provider

Business Case Development and Initiation

Delivered three strategic growth opportunity business cases from 10 initially identified. Primary choice was executed within 3 months of initial engagement.

Global Service Provider

Service Design and Deployment

Managed global team that designed, developed a global solution incorporating cloud application infrastructure, purpose built vertical and functional apps. Delivered solution with DevSecOps, and backed up by AI/ML Business Intelligence and Management Dashboards. First deployments made globally within 3-6 months.

Private Equity

Technical and Process Due Diligence

Technical and process due diligence for Australian Private equity firm across multiple firms and industries resulting in profitable investment decisions..


Roger Kermode
Ph.D. (MIT), S.M.(MIT), B.Sc. B.E.(hons), GAICD
CEO / Founder
  • University of Technology Sydney, Adjunct Professor
  • HPE Regional Chief Technologist for Communications Media & Entertainment / Distinguished Technologist
  • Motorola Labs, Founder Sydney Network Research Lab
  • CTO/COO, iPrime
  • Co-Founder Pushstart
  • MIT Media Lab Ph.D., Fulbright Scholar.
Archie Reed
CTO / Founder
  • Start-up advisor, investor and mentor since 2000
  • HP Enterprise Distinguished Technologist in Cloud and Security
  • VP Strategy, startup Trulogica – Enterprise Security and Identity
  • VP and Chief Technologist, Critical Path Author